Top Five Web Design Tips To Create A Stunning Website For All Levels

Feb 14, 2023

When designing a website, the user experience is one of the most important things that have to be considered throughout the entire process. A poorly-designed website could leave your visitors confused, frustrated and unlikely to revisit your website. Which then leads to losing leads or sales.

Even if you wouldn’t consider yourself someone with a good eye for web design, you can still build a beautiful, user-friendly website that visually stands out. From our design gurus to you, here are the top five web design tips for all levels of designers to create a stunning website.

Selecting the Best Colors

Your website should have a cohesive colour tone to it. Just like fonts, don’t include a ton of different colours select a colour scheme. Try to keep all major call-to-action buttons the same colour, so visitors can recognize each CTA. If your logo has a primary colour, select two or three complementary colours with an online tool. and Coolors are great tools to help you find the best-supporting colours for your website.

White Space is Your Friend

Do you have a room in your house with neutral-coloured walls? Our guess is you probably do, it would be very distracting to have a crazy-printed wallpaper all-around your home. Think about it in this way, if your home was filled with bold, busy walls, no one would ever notice your home’s features or furnishings! This same principle is also applied to websites. Don’t try to fill every pixel of your pages with something. By leaving white space on your website, you’re drawing your visitors’ attention to areas that you want them to focus on. Plus, it also helps your site look cleaner and uncluttered, which is key in website design.

Get to Know a Grid System

A clean website design means every text block, button and section are aligned perfectly. This is where a grid system comes into play; this may be a more “intermediate” tip but it will make a big difference with your website’s design. The next tip and this both go hand-in-hand, so keep on reading!

Design with Mobile in Mind

Responsive web design is today’s norm for website design. A grid system is important to learn because you will not be able to design a responsive website without one.

The Easier the Navigation, The Better

Don’t make it hard for your visitors to surf around your site, keep your navigation simple and visible on every page. Make your logo a part of your navigation and have it be clickable to the homepage. As long as your navigation is simplified as much as possible, you’ve hit “web design gold. Website design can be as fun as you make it! A good first step to website planning is to design your website through the eyes of your audience/visitors. Think about how they want to perceive your website and what elements they want to see. If you can strive to design your website using the tips above coupled with the user experience, your website will naturally become a well-designed website.

To learn more about website design or if you need help with your website’s design, get in touch with us at LM Agency Today!